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Indonesia Rank on Fifa

Failure to win the AFF Cup 2010 Indonesia's position only makes up one ladder in FIFA rankings released today.

Based on the release of FIFA, Indonesia rose to the position 126 of the previous 127. The lack of points obtained from two semi-finals and finals to make the position of Red and White team did not undergo significant changes.

Of the two semi-final match against the Philippines, Indonesia each have 127.5 points. Meanwhile, when the defeat of the first final match against Malaysia, Indonesia did not get the points. On the second leg, the team Garuda 142.8 digit gain.

Thus, the total points accumulated Indonesia reached 224. Indonesia's position is still less than Thailand which tersiungkir in the preliminary round Gryp A. Tim White Elephant in the position 119 with a score 244 points.

Malaysia AFF Cup champion sebagau appear only climbed two places to 142. While the Philippines who took two defeats from Indonesia in the semi-finals, has decreased three steps to position 153.

Meanwhile, the top still held the 2010 World Cup champion, Spain with 1887 points. La Furia Roja followed by the Netherlands, Germany, Brazil and Argentina at the top five positions. United Kingdom, Uruguay, Portugal, Croatia and Egypt complete the top 10. Italian giants are in a position only 14.

Big Ten List of FIFA:
1. Spain
2. Netherlands
3. Germany
4. Brazil
5. Argentina
6. England
7. Uruguay
8. Portugal
9. Croatia
10. Egypt

Big Ten ASEAN:
1. Thailand
2. Indonesia
3. Vietnam
4. Singapore
5. Malaysia
6. Myanmar
7. Philippines
8. Cambodia
9. Laos
10. Brunei

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